Ad sells less than engagement

slug: 2011-ad-sells-less-than-engagement tags: communication, engagement, media, advertising, social networks summary: Ad Engagement Surpasses Ad Sales: The Shift Towards Digital Presence and Social Networks Date: 14/10/2011

Want to sell? Advertise on Globo and you’re done. The recipe of putting money in the highest audience is numbered. The countless executives who still work with audience spreadsheets to make their media plans are the future of the professional grave of traditional media. Audience continues to be important, but now the face-to-face and engagement is what determines who will have more success in the market.

A study done by Microsoft Advertising and Advertiser Perceptions points to the fact that a company’s digital presence is more important than the number of ads, especially on social networks that create a common environment (like Facebook, for example). According to data published by E-Marketer, 74% of users think that social presence is more relevant than ads on networks.

The ROI continues to be difficult to measure (especially for candidates for the professional morgue that will encompass the spreadsheet addicts), but the general feeling continues to be that even without perfect measurement, the horizontal relationship with consumers on social networks is, increasingly, definitive.

The idea is that what matters is no longer having the user’s attention, but obtaining their engagement. The user is no longer just a consumer, but also a partner in the gestation and dissemination of the product and content. For this, it is necessary that he be involved in the process, heard, and that he benefits from the information that the brand provides for him.

PS: this article was originally written in Portuguese and speaks about the specifics of the Brazilian market.